God calls us to be fruitful and multiply.

God created men and women to co-labor and subdue the earth, to make disciples who make disciples who make disciples.

Some women are called to lifelong celibacy and undivided attention to ministry unto the world.

And many women are called to family ministry: multi-generational discipleship and multiplication through wifehood and motherhood. 

But single women today face very real obstacles, from their own mindsets or lack of understanding, from their own fears, worldly thinking or confusion about how men and women should relate.

They live in a hedonistic, feminist and individualistic modern world that doesn’t respect, prioritize or prepare women for marriage. Even wives, like myself in the past, don’t know how to maintain a thriving relationship with their husbands.

For this reason, I created my singles courses [Simply Smitten and Enamor] so single women can thrive, prepare for marriage and find godly husbands with whom they can start godly families with that genuinely seek Christ and have a lasting influence in this world.

Hi sis!
My name is Bernadine

I'm a wife of 12 years and a mother to five.

I remember being single just like you --asking the same questions, dreaming the same dreams and frustrated with the same problems. Through God's Word and through trial and error, I learned what to look for, what to avoid, and how to develop a "dating" relationship in a healthy way.

My husband and I had a wonderful courting experience and I'll always look back on it with fondness. But there were still things I didn't fully understand or couldn't explain until later.

This course is everything you NEED to know about men, attraction and more.

Timeless truths and strategies for dating will never expire!


  Simply Smitten Module 1: Welcome!
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Simply Smitten Module 2: What's In Your Bag?
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Simply Smitten Module 3: Priorities And Contentment
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Simply Smitten Module 4: Femininity and Biblical Womanhood
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Simply Smitten Module 5: Male and Female
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Simply Smitten Module 6: Dating Vs. Courting
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Simply Smitten Module 7: Pursued
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Simply Smitten Module 8: What About Sex?
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Simply Smitten Module 9: Captivating
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Simply Smitten Module 10: Smitten!
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Before You Start Enamor!
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Enamor Module 1: Your Look
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Enamor Module 2: First Impression
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Enamor Module 3: Break The Ice
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Enamor Module 4: Show Interest
Available in days
days after you enroll

Choose a Pricing Option


What if you had the knowledge to dramatically increase your chances of attracting a Godly, masculine, husband-material man?

Imagine knowing exactly what to look for in a man and what to avoid.

What if you could properly, happily and healthily build a relationship?

Imagine being full of joy, peace, confidence and excitement as you walk down the aisle on your wedding day.

Are you tired of feeling lost, confused and hopeless in the dating arena?

Sick and tired of wasting time, energy, emotions and efforts on guys who didn’t turn out to be the person you thought they were?

Are you ready to have direction, peace and clarity ?

Within one year of enrolling, Nicole went from single for over a decade, to dating, to engaged, to married to the love of her life!

What if I told you that there are timeless, tried and true ways to find lasting love? What if I told you that there ARE good men out there, hoping to find a good woman just like you!

Simply Smitten is a self-paced, 100% online program with a blueprint guaranteed to take you from confused and frustrated about dating to...

… knowledgeable, empowered and purposeful in your romantic endeavors

… having strong boundaries in the relationship

… having confidence about who you are and what you want in life

… finding a man who holds traditional values, wants marriage and a family.

You can meet an amazing, single man who has a good heart, a vision for the future and Godly values…

without compromising your moral boundaries

without ruining the relationship with your fears, confusion or baggage

without getting your hopes too high or setting your standards too low

without pretending to be something or someone you’re not!


In Module 1 I welcome you lovely ladies to the course. I share my heart for you: why I created this course and what my wish is for you.

What’s In Your Bag?

Here we unpack any baggage or lies we may be carrying from the past including disappointments and hurts. We then fill ourselves up with encouraging Biblical truths, giving God our dreams for a freer, better future.

Priorities and Contentment

In Module 3, we realign our focus, remembering what matters most. We then learn what contentment is and how to have it in every season of our lives.

MODULE 4: Femininity And
Biblical Womanhood

In Module 4, we go over the meaning of femininity and Biblical womanhood. I go over the characteristics that please God and attract a godly man, and how to develop these traits. I will teach you what Wounded and Wrathful femininity are and how you can avoid functioning in them.

Male And Female

In Module 5, you will learn tangible facts about what makes men and women different: biologically, psychologically, spiritually and otherwise. You will see how men and women are uniquely different and perfectly complimentary. I also teach you what all men need in life and what God calls men to be like.

Dating Vs. Courting

In Module 6, I clearly layout the difference in attitude and approach between "dating" and courting. You will learn how to have balance in your standards for a man and expectations from a man. You will learn what to look for in a good man and why God created marriage in the first place!


In Module 7, I explain the art of masculine and feminine dance or "the art of the pursuit". You will learn what a masculine, traditional man seeks in a woman and how you can attract him. We will go over red flags and green lights and questions you should ask him while courting.

What About Sex?

In Module 8, we go over what God says about sex: why He created it and why it is a good thing. You will learn about how sex chemically and physically bonds a man and woman, and how to practically stick to your boundaries!


Module 9 is all about enhancing what God gave you --not just for the man, but for your self and most of all, for God's glory. As a daughter of the King, you will learn why your temple matters and how to practically take good care of yourself so you can put your best foot forward and increase your chances of attracting a masculine man.

FAQ And Encouragement

In Module 10, we go over six frequently asked questions about dating and courting. I also encourage you and pray over you, believing that God knows what's best for your life and that He has good things in store for you!


"This course was spectacular. I cannot say enough about the value in what Bernadine has created. There are so many women seeing this exact information and wisdom while having to weed through what’s culturally popular right now, and
this course has really taken that wisdom and sewn it together in one place perfectly. From the physiological differences between men and women, to sex, to the value of modesty, Simply Smitten touches on a range of topics with grace without shying away from truth and practicality. Simply Smitten is a superior guide to femininity and courting that will surely bless countless young women looking to build traditional marriages and homes!" -- Karly H.

"If you always wished somebody would prepare you or equip you better for a more traditional, happy, and feminine life, and how to attract the right man into your life this is your chance --grab it with both hands. Many girls grow up without proper guidance and end up in the hands of the world instead of in God's. This course was the guidance I never had. It was the guidance I always wanted and needed. It was light-hearted, soft, and the most gentle way of learning new things. It's as though you've got a sister or a close friend walking you through everything and teaching you everything about Femininity fundamentals. I think it is extremely informative and so well structured from the very beginning to the very end. Go for it, this is your chance to start a life-changing journey!" -- Noelle T.

"This is THE course that I wish I would have had access to as a young girl. If it were up to me, it would be in the hands of every mom & daughter that had ears to hear it. I long to see a shift BACK to how God originally intended the family unit to be and this course is the tool that I would use to get there! It is everything that I wish I had known back then about God's sovereign, beautiful design of the woman. As a married woman going through this course, I realized that I had spent YEARS fighting parts of my God-given feminine nature." -- Kori Meloy

"Bernadine truly cares about each and every one of you taking the course. It clearly shows through everything: from the effort and beauty in her presentation to the wonderful prayers at the end that brought me to tears. You will not be disappointed, rather, she goes above and beyond to supply you with goodness, help, and truth rooted in God’s Word. I learned more about what attracts traditional Christian men, the importance of keeping sex sacred and your overall health in good condition, how men think, what they want, and what motivates them. This course is simply amazing and it was so intriguing and fascinating that I took many notes as well!" -- Savannah F.

"If you're a single Christian woman, this is the roadmap you've been waiting for. Bernadine is like the wise, loving, and caring big sister I reeeally could have used in my teens and early 20s as I messily navigated trying to date. If you are feeling frustrated, confused, and especially if you are feeling pressured to date in a way that does not make you feel really good about yourself, this course will be invaluable for you. You don't have to push your boundaries to find a partner that will love, cherish, and respect you. This is a courageous course! It is scary and hard to go against the grain! But Bernadine, you are the big sister that every girl needs, to show them that there is another way. I know it is something that I will go through multiple times and that the lessons you teach are ones that I will definitely want to pass down to my future daughters! -- Maddy C.

"Not only would this course have been absolutely necessary during my teen and college years but I felt like I was hearing my best friend or sister give me wise counsel on everything I need. All the modules are so beautifully said and well-thought out! Bernadine's beautiful and relatable guidance and testimony throughout gives heart-warming and honest-to-goodness counsel to women that truly need it especially in today's world." --Kayla H.

Simply Smitten
Student Testimonial!

From Julia @BibleAndHotCocoa on Instagram

Heal from your past...

...And plan for your future!




You spot a handsome guy at the bookstore and wish he'd notice you, so you walk past him and stand next to him but nothing.

You wish you could say something to spark conversation but now you're overthinking and talking down on yourself.

"What if he thinks I'm desperate? And why did I go out with this outfit? I look gross. He would never be into me. I'd probably just annoy him."

So you walk away. Feeling like you missed out. Feeling confused about how to approach a guy in public without coming off dumb, awkward or aggressive.

Or maybe it's that super attractive Christian man in your small group who seriously loves the Lord. You see sooo many great qualities in him, but you don't know how to talk to him without looking weird around all the other group members. Like when? How? What?

If this is you, I'm here to help.


ENAMOR is all about communication skillssocial skills and the feminine-masculine art of attraction.

You can show interest in a man with, not just what you say, but how you say it and also what you do!

I'll show you sure-fire ways to let him know you like him, without "doing too little" or "too much."

An emotionally intelligent and socially mature single man would pick up on the signs without a DOUBT! (And ahem, that's exactly the kind of guy you want to marry!!)


I'll show you how!


Knowing exactly what to shop for in stores, saving time and money on outfits that don’t even work for you!

Knowing exactly how to tell him you think he’s cute, a great guy, funny, and interesting– with or without words.

Knowing exactly what to say to a guy you find attractive and interesting, when you’ve never even met him before and still doing so in a classy and feminine way!

Knowing from the beginning the signs that show he’s interested back vs. signs he’s not into you at all!

ENAMOR is right for you if...

You want to learn more about how to dress yourself, what colors compliment your skin, hair and eye colors, and how to use patterns and shapes in your outfits.

You’re not sure how to communicate interest in a man and you’re worried you’re sending the wrong messages, self-sabotaging, confusing him or showing the opposite of interest! (oh no!)

You don’t know how to approach a guy to break the ice without looking crazy shy, confusing or too forward and maybe even desperate! (Let me help you!

You don’t know what actually matters when it comes to making a good first impression and you want to make sure you’re putting your best foot forward to catch his eyes for the first time or to help him see you like never before!!





Frequently Asked Questions

Are your courses Biblically-based?

Yes, absolutely! Scripture is used throughout and we pray in a couple of the modules. (ESV and NIV are the Bible translations used).

When do the courses start and finish?

Both courses are immediately available to you upon enrollment and you get a lifetime access to it! The Bundle is completely self-paced so you can start whenever you want to and finish it whenever you want to. you can go through the lessons as many times as you want.

How long will I have access to the bundle?

Once you’re enrolled, you have unlimited, lifetime access to Simply Smitten and Enamor across any and all devices you own! If the courses are updated in the future, you will be automatically “grandfathered” into the newest version.

How long does it take to complete this bundle?

This course is self-paced, but the minimum amount of time you’ll need to commit from start to finish is about 5 hours.

Is this bundle only for women? And what is the age range?

Yes, it is specifically for single women. Late teens to 30’s is ideal. This course touches on the subject of sex so keep that in mind if you’re considering buying it for your daughter, niece, cousin, etc.

What will I need to have before enrolling?

A pen or pencil and notebook to take notes with -- that’s it! If you want to print out the worksheets, a printer would come in handy, but it isn’t absolutely necessary. Also, make sure to create a Telegram (app from Apple) to be able to join the private Simply Smitten Telegram group.

Can I take this if I don't live in the USA?

Yes! If you can understand and read English and can provide payment for the course, you can be anywhere on the planet and take Simply Smitten! We have students from the Philippines, Australia, Puerto Rico, Rwanda, the UK, Costa Rica, Japan, the Netherlands, Canada, Germany, Mexico and sooo much more!!

Any other questions?

Feel free to email me at

[email protected]