I’m here to tell you that trauma and the father wound did not swallow me up and it did not get the final say of my story.

I won.

Jesus won.

I overcame.

I’m not a victim.

I’m a victor.

And I’m stronger now for it.

I wouldn’t be who I am today without it.

What the enemy meant for evil,

God used it for good.

And for every other sister out there who has experienced this father wound too, I have the road map for you. Covered in tears and blood— all wrinkled up and marked with dirt. It exists, thanks to the help of many others who have gone before me, before us. Thanks to the work of the Holy Spirit.

This is a large part of my journey, and I’m handing my roadmap to victory over to you.


In this course, I will share my personal story and also the roadmap and mindset shifts I made (God-led) to heal from my father wound.

And I’ll show you:

→ how to identify generational cycles of trauma, fears and wounds and how to take away it's power

→ how the father wound affects your relationship with God and the level (or lack) of trust, security, and safety you carry and flow from, in life.

→ how to go from a fearful, anxious, defensive and exhausted woman to a more trusting, calm, vibrant daughter of God with child-like playfulness and faith in Him and in life.

→ how to see men for who they actually are (not what you fear could be) and how to stop self-sabotaging your connection with a man

→ how to live life as it IS {be present} and live from desire, dreams, hopes— not fears, worries, anxiety. Go from survival mode (fight and flight) to living mode.

→ how to become more authentically softer, warmer, more surrendered, trusting, playful and pleasant after healing your father wound.

 Lifetime access to course materials

Printable course worksheets

 Private Telegram group chat for feedback, accountability and support from other like-minded women on the same journey as you.

Remember, in this new course "Healing Your Father Wound", I explain:

  • My own personal story
  • What the father wound is
  • Signs you have the father wound
  • Why feminism is a father wound movement
  • What the patriarchy is
  • Why Biblical patriarchy is God’s design and ideal
  • Why the relationship between fathers and daughters matters so much
  • How to identify your generational trauma
  • How to heal your generational trauma
  • How trauma affects your nervous system
  • Steps to heal your nervous system
  • What life is like when you have an “orphan spirit”
  • How to restore your place as Daddy’s Girl (God’s Daughter)

And so much more...